Cody and Erin Groeber met in the fall of 2004 over a pitcher of Miller Lite at Corby’s Irish Pub in South Bend, IN. They soon found themselves sitting next to each other in first year in Criminal Law class. They got engaged and married just prior to their third year of law school at Notre Dame. After law school they moved to Charleston, SC on a whim without jobs, money, or health insurance. Since then, Cody has had a fulfilling career as a public defender, representing poor clients in both state and federal court and Erin has had several (4) babies while intermittently practicing law. Their kids (Sean, James, Annalisa, and Finbar) are amazing, hilarious little people who keep Cody and Erin entertained and humble. The Groebers are members of The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in downtown Charleston.
Since filming Joined by Grace most of their babies have grown into kids, which is disconcerting. Erin writes, “We have also made the crazy decision to home school our kids, which has been a big change in our family over the last few months. We have met that change with much sacrifice, fun, and craft beer.”